2025 Opportunity Quilt

Jane Threlkeld was a visionary leader as MLQG president and an early BeeArtful member known for her love of color and improvisational quilts. Welcoming to newcomers and always ready to help, she embodied kindness and creativity, leaving a lasting legacy in the quilting community.

Get your raffle tickets now!
To purchase, please contact jchiaffredo@gmail.com.
Tickets are also available in person - catch us at the following events. VFW Bingo night in Cornelia (February 13), OSQE EXPO Quilt show in Duluth (March 6-8), Fiber Fest Sautee Nacoochee (May 17 & 18), Foxfire in Clayton (October 4) and Clayton Festival of Trees and Holiday Market, (November 28). Don't miss your chance to participate.
Bee Artful contributors:
L to R
Bev M, Kathy I, Nancy S, Geri B, Vicki V, Mitzi L, Linda B, Gini C, Silke C, Janice C
Carol G, Melinda O, Laura L, Lucia S, Jan P
Camera shy
Alene K

Quilt label and backing
Enchanted Forest